Last one month, i have been experiencing pain between my heart and stomach. They are not exactly heart burn but some kind of compression. I kept postponing doc's visit thinking it will go away. I got it especially after i eat some rich food like bagel or muffin or cream cheese. Then, one day, i visited Walgreens and the pharmasict asked me to take Pepcid(http://www.pepcid.com/index.jhtml). I am taking since 3 days (1-2 tablets a day,mostly 1). I dont see a change. May be i have to see a doc... :(
1 comment:
Anna your Blog " Random Thoughts " is simply superb...
I am so impressed and really want to cultivate the habit of writing my thoughts like you..
Pls take care of your health and consult doctor ASAP.
It’s not because of rich food, may be your are becoming workaholic…
Pls take a break and enjoy life…
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